
Showing posts from 2020

Regularly Scheduled Programme

For those of you who are curious what we do all week...  Mondays: gym at 10:30 small group learning/support with Mme Kaké and also with Mme Theresa weekly French verbs and vocab are given (quiz Friday) weekly "belle phrase" subject and verb are given (due Friday) French reading comprehension assigned (due Friday) ** Note, from now until winter break we will be reading La guerre des tuques instead of having reading comprehensions we do the heavy lifting of our math learning (quiz on Wednesday) Tuesdays: gym at 12:45 small group learning/support with Mme Mélanie and also with Mme Theresa the balance of our math learning for the quiz Wednesday art Wednesdays: aboriginal Education at 9:45 music at 10:30 small group learning/support with Mme Theresa (twice) math quiz Thursdays: EASE with Sandy small group learning/support with Mme Kaké and also with Mme Roxanne dictée des nombres spelling test music at 13:35 Fridays: gym every other Friday(ish) at 8:45 library at 10:05 French qui...

Basic Multiplication

 This week we will start reviewing our basic multiplication. If your child does not yet know their "times tables", don't fret, they are NOT alone. Partially because it is not a requirement in the curriculum. Weird, right? Ok, that's a PART truth. The facts are in the curriculum, but here is a direct quote: Students should be able to recall many multiplication facts by the end of Grade 5 (e.g., 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 10s). If you're looking for some super cheesy songs to help your child to remember their facts, I found this site:  Be warned, though, it is riddled with ads.  Alright... onward and upward! Have a great week.

Hey There, It's Been Awhile...

 So, next week is early dismissal for our "Formative Assessment Conferences" ('member back in the day when they were called Parent-Teacher Interviews? Good times.) If you haven't yet signed up for a meeting (phone or video) please do so ASAP. They're only 10 minutes long, so I'm hoping to send a bit of info pre-conference. I'll let you know. The following week is our safety week, and we will be showing off our Hallowe'en costumes... somehow... on Friday the 30th. Should be interesting. Finally, there are still a number of families who have not yet paid their supplies fees (online) or signed their students' Online Permission forms, etc. Please do so at your earliest convenience.  Until next time, which I hope doesn't take as long as this time, and which will hopefully have more to read. I'm a funny, funny lady.

Sick Kids

 So, I had a couple of really great questions come up today regarding sick kids. Here's what I can share for now... When should we keep our kids home? Well, here is the information from the SD68 stage-2 start-up plan , specifically page 9: And the note from the Medical Health Officer for the Central Region of Vancouver Island Health Authority with the new health check for kids that was sent to parents this week: Where can I get the work for my sick kid? Umm. Well. I'm hoping to get them connected to Google Classroom sometime in the next week or so, plus my website for certain things, and here on the blog for others. Really, a sick kid probably mostly just needs sleep and a book to read. Try to keep some books on hand in both English and French (Scholastic is a good source...) for those unexpected days home when they're almost well enough to go to school. I know that's not really very concrete for an answer, but it's what I've got at the moment. **Side note, all...

Because of Mr. Terupt Notes Sept 17-22


That's a Wrap! (Week 2)

We did a TONNE this week! Here are some highlights... Because of Mr. Terupt: We started reading this book about a grade 5 class who have a brand. new. teacher. It's written from the perspective of 7 of his students over the course of the school year. We've read about September and his super cool math activity called Dollar Words, and we've started reading October's entries and have already learned that science doesn't always work out as planned (Poor Luke!) We FINALLY had recess outside starting yesterday. It made for really long days Monday through Wednesday, but at least our city wasn't on fire. Things could have been WAY worse. Plus, we got to watch the Magic School Bus Rides Again... in English... because we were working so hard those days. We looked at correcting French sentences and conjugating verbs and about possessives in French. We also learned that Janelle LOVES to write notes. So. Many. Notes. In math we thought about different ways to make a dollar,...

Notes for Homework

 For students who hadn't finished copying the notes or who were wondering what the questions were for Because of Mr. Terupt for yesterday and today, here they are:

Homework, notes, and samples from today's classes

 Here are the questions and the notes for our reading of Because of Mr. Terupt. Here are the verb notes from today, there is a quiz on "être" and "avoir" in the present tense on Friday. Here is my started "leaf" art from today. It is due Wednesday.

Welcome Back - September 2020

Welcome back to school! It's a bit of a different return this year, but I'm glad to see my students and to get this new ball rolling! Here's what you can expect from me regarding communication: The majority of  my variable information will be posted here, on my blog. Things like this welcome back to school letter, links to work we're doing in class, the English version of large projects we're working on, etc. I do use labels (or tags) for my blogs so that you can find stuff a little easier as the posts pile up. This platform is primarily for parents. Time sensitive information will be sent out by email, generally with a copy posted here. Usually I'll ask you to send a reply to acknowledge receipt: "got it", "vegetarian", "3 dogs and a cat" are the types of replies I'll be looking for. It just makes it easier for me to know who I need to contact further if necessary. Assignments on Google Classroom will be marked out of 3 for com...

This Week's Learning - June 15-19

Click here to see the original document

This Week's Learning - June 8-12

Click here for the link to the original document The "pacing" chart is slightly different this week, since my at-school students don't always have tech at school, and my at-home students don't always have access to a printer. Please do your best to find ways to get it done. Thanks!

Holy Moly! My kid's list is LONG!

Dear parents, I, too, have been trying to keep my children (a) on task, and (b) up to date on their school work while working from home. You'd think that would be easy (especially for a teacher who teaches the same grades as her children) given the flexibility of the virtual environment. PLOT TWIST! It's SO HARD!! I've completely failed at this!  So, what to do... tips from your teacher (read: realistic expectations from your teacher who is speaking from her mom-reality) Do your best. That's it. Let's be real. If nothing school-related gets done, but everyone is still alive and relatively sane, call it a win. In a perfect world, all of our children would be completely up to date and independently working on enrichment projects harmoniously with their siblings. But that's just not gonna happen.  If you're looking to prioritize in order to still get some work done, I've put the assignments in order of importance in Classroom. Also, please prioritize French...

This Week's Learning - June 1-5

Click here to access original document with active hyperlinks Welcome back to school this week, those who choose to try it out. Please remember that it will look very different... I will not be in the building, I will continue to guide your learning from home There will be a TTOC in the class (or another teacher from our school) to support those who have chosen to come back Water fountains have been disabled. Please note that water bottles from home can be refilled at the sinks in the school There will be separate recesses for primary and intermediate classes Social distancing will be expected at all times, though 2m is not actually feasible indoors Each student will be required to have and use their own materials, we'll continue learning to share with our ideas rather than with our objects. There will be all kinds of different routines around using washrooms, entering and exiting, moving around the classroom, hand and surface washing, music and library times, etc. ...

This Week's Learning - May 25-29

Link to the original document ALSO: Please advise the school about your decision to return (or not) in June as soon as possible. Mme Karina sent out a survey yesterday evening by email. We accept and respect all decisions. Please note that safe distancing expectations will be different when we return to school in a week or so (less restrictive, contact the school for details), and that your children may or may not be in their own classrooms with their own teachers, depending on many different factors. 

This week's learning - May 19-22

Link to doc here

This Week's Learning - May 11-15

Easy week this week, folks. Click here for the links.

This Week's Learning - May 4-8

Click here for the original document with live links

Le premier mai

It's Labour Day in France on May 1st. Here is a neat tradition that I recently learned...

Papillon sur une fleur


This Week's Learning - April 27 to May 1

Click here for the original document

This Week's Learning - April 20-24

Looks like we're getting into the swing of things. Here's an image of this week's suggested pacing, with a link to the document itself so you can use the links. Enjoy!

How To Upload Assignments to Google Classroom

This Week's Learning - April 14-17

Due dates and Do dates are listed in blue Activities with an associated "assignment" in Google Classroom are listed in green Literacy: One sentence journals:  (Choose one)  Do daily, due at the end of the week Create a document where you will write one sentence (preferably in French!) about your day. Make sure each sentence is dated. Do this every day. Make an audio recording including the date about your day. Limit this to one sentence (in French). Do this every day Make a video recording of you telling me about your day in one sentence in French. Do this every day. Book report:   Due April 17, May 1, and May 15 Choose one of the lit circle books you read (and have at home), and do one of the activities on the list for that book, then choose a second activity for that book, and finally a third activity for that book. And, POOF! It's May 15th! L'agent Jean: Due April 17 Watch the video Answer the questions Raz-kids: Due April 17 Log on to ...

This Week's Learning - April 6-10

Due dates and Do dates are listed in blue Activities with an associated "assignment" in Google Classroom are listed in green Literacy: One sentence journals: (Choose one) Due daily Create a document where you will write one sentence (preferably in French!) about your day. Make sure each sentence is dated. Do this every day. Make an audio recording including the date about your day. Limit this to one sentence (in French). Do this every day Make a video recording of you telling me about your day in one sentence in French. Do this every day. Book report: Due April 17, May 1, and May 15 Numeracy : Spell the cards: Due April 9th watch the video figure out the original order of the cards for this "trick" to work send Madame the original order of the cards with proof that you worked it out and didn't just look it up a video of you figuring it out a paragraph explaining how you figured it out a list of strategies or attempts But Wh...


Students have two projects due in math/art: Videos to follow soon. Fractions (16cm by 16cm) which is past due... And a pixel art (1000 squares) which is due Monday so that we can use it for the next part on Tuesday...

Bits and Pieces

This is the email that was sent home this morning: Hello families, A few things to note: 1. Your child is working with the recorder in music. Please send your child's recorder with them to school for music on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Mme Lorenz reports that most students in grade 5 (and many in grade 6) purchased them last year or the year before. If you require a recorder, Mme Lorenz has some quality new instruments for sale for $12. There are a LIMITED number of school recorders available when instruments are forgotten (Mme Lorenz cleans them after every use), but... flu season, anyone? 2. We are going to the musical Mama Mia on Thursday next week, and I'm still missing many permission forms. Tickets and bussing comes to $8/student. 3. Students have had a selection of 13 novels to choose from for our lit circle unit. They were welcome to bring 1-3 of these home over the winter break, but were not expected to have any read by January. I expected a book to be read t...

Build a Whale

Tomorrow and Friday, students from our school will be building a whale. Yup, a WHALE. Out of REAL whale bones. Don't believe me? Check out the website: They're coming to visit us, and each class will have 30 minutes with this crew. Our time is Friday morning.


Today we curled and did grammar. That is all. Here is the work we did together today. After little recess, we did planners, then the kids were expected to do the last sentence individually, following the example of the second to last sentence. Nouns and pronouns highlighted in blue; gender indicated for nouns Verbs highlighted in green; Verb name, verb tense, and person indicated for each verb Adjectives highlighted in pink; an arrow indicating which noun it is describing Adverbs highlighted in orange; an arrow indicating which verb, adverb, or adjective it is describing "Déterminant" (the, a, his...) highlighted in yellow; an arrow indicating which noun it determines Prepositions circled in orange Conjunctions circled in yellow Please ask your child how well they did, and how that is related to their efforts today.