That's a Wrap! (Week 2)

We did a TONNE this week! Here are some highlights...

Because of Mr. Terupt: We started reading this book about a grade 5 class who have a brand. new. teacher. It's written from the perspective of 7 of his students over the course of the school year. We've read about September and his super cool math activity called Dollar Words, and we've started reading October's entries and have already learned that science doesn't always work out as planned (Poor Luke!)

We FINALLY had recess outside starting yesterday. It made for really long days Monday through Wednesday, but at least our city wasn't on fire. Things could have been WAY worse. Plus, we got to watch the Magic School Bus Rides Again... in English... because we were working so hard those days.

We looked at correcting French sentences and conjugating verbs and about possessives in French. We also learned that Janelle LOVES to write notes. So. Many. Notes.

In math we thought about different ways to make a dollar, we "remembered" some of our math vocabulary. (Seriously, parents, you weren't using words like "sum" or "prime numbers" over the last 6 months? Just kidding, even I wasn't, and I'm a total nerd!) We also thought about different ways to do addition, and looked at increasing and decreasing number patterns. 

I read some picture books to the kids: First Day Jitters is about Sarah's first day at her new school and has a total plot twist at the end, teaching us that writers can make their readers think one thing when they mean something else by using creative language and clever illustration. The Day Jimmy's Boa Ate the Wash showed us that stories don't always have to be ordered first-middle-last, as long as the story makes sense. After Mme Sullivan's lesson with us about "facts are facts" I read them the first two entries of The Secret Knowledge of Grown-Ups - The Second File, and we talked about how we have to think critically about what we read or hear, because it's not always true even if it is written in a style that sounds true.

We did some body percussion and were impressed by the Melodica Men with Mr. H., our new music teacher. It was a fun balance to some of the mindfulness stuff we did with Mme Sullivan which complimented Sandy's lesson about anxiety. A note about the EASE program was sent home this week, hopefully it made it all the way to you.

We also did a number of art-based activities, including starting a portrait and then ditching it because we could, playing with colour in our leaves (check my instagram for pictures), and a math activity that had the kids saying "how is THIS math?" Patterns. That's how.

Finally, we learned to play a bunch of new games: Buzz is a math game that helps us with multiples, Le jeu inJEUste (the unfair game) is a game we use for review - this week it was verbs for the quiz - that can give you points or negative points, we had a rock-paper-scissors tournament to build our community, Qui suis-je is a 20 questions game to reinforce math vocabulary, and Blurt with Mme Theresa had us working our French vocabulary muscles!

All in all, a very fun and productive week from my perspective... hopefully your child doesn't have too much homework. None was assigned, but if they didn't finish in class, they need to do it at home. Have a great weekend!


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