
Showing posts from October, 2020

Basic Multiplication

 This week we will start reviewing our basic multiplication. If your child does not yet know their "times tables", don't fret, they are NOT alone. Partially because it is not a requirement in the curriculum. Weird, right? Ok, that's a PART truth. The facts are in the curriculum, but here is a direct quote: Students should be able to recall many multiplication facts by the end of Grade 5 (e.g., 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 10s). If you're looking for some super cheesy songs to help your child to remember their facts, I found this site:  Be warned, though, it is riddled with ads.  Alright... onward and upward! Have a great week.

Hey There, It's Been Awhile...

 So, next week is early dismissal for our "Formative Assessment Conferences" ('member back in the day when they were called Parent-Teacher Interviews? Good times.) If you haven't yet signed up for a meeting (phone or video) please do so ASAP. They're only 10 minutes long, so I'm hoping to send a bit of info pre-conference. I'll let you know. The following week is our safety week, and we will be showing off our Hallowe'en costumes... somehow... on Friday the 30th. Should be interesting. Finally, there are still a number of families who have not yet paid their supplies fees (online) or signed their students' Online Permission forms, etc. Please do so at your earliest convenience.  Until next time, which I hope doesn't take as long as this time, and which will hopefully have more to read. I'm a funny, funny lady.