Math Practice


Multiplication table

Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication & Division How-to's for Parents

Long Division

The "traditional way"
With base 10 blocks, kind of
The parts of division

Long Multiplication

The "traditional way"

Word Problem Practice

A cheesey video to show what I'm looking for at school when the students do word problems

Speedy Spotty 

Speedy Spotty can run a mile in 33 minuts. Feisty Fido can do it in 1/3 the time. How long does it take Fido to finish a mile-long run? 

Micro Motel 

The Micro Motel is the tallest tower in Tiny Town. It's 10 times taller than Tony's Tiny Trumpet Store. Tony's store is 2 inches tall. How tall is the Micro Motel?


Villesville, Virginia, was founded on November 18, 2004. In what year will ti celebrate its bicentennial (that's its 200th birthday!)?


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