
Today we curled and did grammar. That is all.

Here is the work we did together today.

After little recess, we did planners, then the kids were expected to do the last sentence individually, following the example of the second to last sentence.

  • Nouns and pronouns highlighted in blue; gender indicated for nouns
  • Verbs highlighted in green; Verb name, verb tense, and person indicated for each verb
  • Adjectives highlighted in pink; an arrow indicating which noun it is describing
  • Adverbs highlighted in orange; an arrow indicating which verb, adverb, or adjective it is describing
  • "DĂ©terminant" (the, a, his...) highlighted in yellow; an arrow indicating which noun it determines
  • Prepositions circled in orange
  • Conjunctions circled in yellow
Please ask your child how well they did, and how that is related to their efforts today.


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