This Week's Learning - April 6-10

Due dates and Do dates are listed in blue
Activities with an associated "assignment" in Google Classroom are listed in green

  • One sentence journals: (Choose one) Due daily
    • Create a document where you will write one sentence (preferably in French!) about your day. Make sure each sentence is dated. Do this every day.
    • Make an audio recording including the date about your day. Limit this to one sentence (in French). Do this every day
    • Make a video recording of you telling me about your day in one sentence in French. Do this every day.
  • Book report: Due April 17, May 1, and May 15

  • Spell the cards: Due April 9th
    • watch the video
    • figure out the original order of the cards for this "trick" to work
    • send Madame the original order of the cards with proof that you worked it out and didn't just look it up
      • a video of you figuring it out
      • a paragraph explaining how you figured it out
      • a list of strategies or attempts
  • But Who's Counting: Do daily
    • Watch the video to remember the rules
    • Try different versions of the game
      • 3 digit by 3 digit addition
      • 2 digit from 3 digit subtraction
      • 3 digit by 1, 2, or 3 digit multiplication
      • 1 digit into 3 digit division

Life Skills: At Parents' Discretion 

Other: At Parents' Discretion 

Suggested pacing for this week:


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