
Showing posts from 2018

2D Math Houses

Are due tomorrow. The scale is 1m:5cm. The graph paper provided is IMPERIAL and so the chances of the lines lining up to the measurements are slim. Rulers are CRITICAL, draw in pencil first then trace in fineline black marker. We have been working on these projects since mid-November. Rough drafts were due November 28, and we've been working on the good copies since the beginning of the month.

Old School... Literally

Although we have desks and we do math and French and whatnot, ours is not a traditional learning experience. However, I think my students have lost sight of what a privilege that is. So, tomorrow morning, we will learn Old School for the first hour and a half. After that we'll do other stuff that we do as par for the course - beeswax wraps, field trips, experiential learning - and compare which we like better. I know which one is easier for me, but that might not be the case for the kids.  Let's watch...

Homework catch-up

Here is the list of currently overdue items that I gave the students today. They were expected to make sure that they have everything complete: Pratique pratique 3-7 décembre Lecture hébdo 3-7 décembre Compréhension “La neige” Petit truc “72” Carnet de lecture Principes d’art Sciences humaines en anglais Résolution de problème - la maman de Marie Questions 1-10 des jumelles Barnes These are not unreasonable assignments when they are assigned, and students are given ample time in class to complete these assignments prior to the due date, plus work periods after the due date to catch up, plus time before school 3 days a week, plus any time they have at home.  High school is only 20 months away; it is time for them to start taking responsibility for their education.

Our Math Houses

We are creating 2D and 3D models of houses in our class. These are purely math and art based, and do not require adherence to building codes. Steps 1 - 5 is the 2D model, to complete before winter break. Steps 6 - 7 is the 3D model to be completed by the end of January. Step 1: Measure (in metric) fixtures and furniture so that we can create rooms that appropriately sized. We don't need bathrooms that are 5 meters by 5 meters, but nor can we have a bedroom that is one meter by one meter... Step 2: Lay out the house with real-life dimensions. This does not need to be to scale. Step 2b: Confirm that the dimensions work. For example, if you intend to have a rectangular house, the front and back walls need to be the same total length. Step 3: Calculate the scale of the rooms, furniture and fixtures (5cm:1m) Step 4: Draw the good copy lightly in pencil, including fixtures and furniture. Step 5: After approval from Mme, retrace and label the 2D model with black ink. Step 6...

Unfortunate News from Mme Lorenz

Dear Parents/Guardians, Unfortunately, Mme Nielsen's class will not be performing at the Remembrance Day ceremony. There were so many scheduling conflicts with Pro-D days, Hallowe'en, and Mme Lorenz's attendance at the BC Teachers Institute on Parliamentary Democracy in Victoria, that there has not been enough time to learn and polish a Remembrance Day song. Regretfully, Elizabeth Lorenz

Friendly reminder


Volleyball preseason

Thanks to Mme Char for sharing this information with grade 6 and 7 parents by email. Just in case you missed it...

Baby, it's cold outside...

Just a reminder to send enough clothing with your child to keep them warm at recess. Also, a change of clothes to keep at school is always a good idea in case there's a sudden downpour at recess and they get soaked to the skin.  Finally, my parents are Rotarians, so I (and our school) regularly benefit from the Rotary Club's kindness and generosity. So, when they're part of a coat drive for the cold- weather shelter, I'm happy to share the info. 

Math word problems

One of the great things about conference week is that I notice where I'm repeating myself over and over again. For example - math word problems. Specifically, showing their reasoning in addition to their work (step 4). Here's what's expected from me when we do word problems : Question - Identify the question; What is it that we are trying to solve? Students are to underline it in the problem. Donnés - What information do I have/am I given? Students are to circle any information that may be important. Numbers, obviously, with their context - "3 more apples" should be circled, not just "3". Less obviously, key words -  all, before, after, some, etc. Calcules - Show your thinking. I need to see how you got 144, not just that you got 144. Draw a picture, make a chart, do traditional calculations, whatever. Just be CLEAR about your steps. Logique - Prove your point. Why does your answer make sense? Include mundane information, "It asks what time ...

Curling tomorrow

Please Note: Helmets are required and must be supplied by students teachers and students should arrive 15 minutes prior to start of lesson name tags with students first name are helpful for us 1.     ABSOLUTELY NO SHORTS   2.     ALL participants MUST HAVE CLEAN running shoes or curling shoes i n order to participate. Shoes are to be carried to rink in a bag 3.     CLEAN MEANS : all debris has been picked out of treads (a nail                                    works well for this) and then brushed 4.     Students should dress warmly in loose fitting clothes and bring gloves   or mitts

Math quiz tomorrow

Here is the practice quiz we did today (blank and with answers). Tomorrow's quiz will be exactly the same, except with different numbers.

Note from Mme Lorenz Re: Remembrance Day Assembly

From:   Mme Lorenz, Quarterway Music Teacher To: Parents/Guardians of Mme Nielsen’s Grade 6’s Re: Remembrance Day Song Dear Parents and Guardians, I have chosen Mme Nielsen’s class to perform a song at Quarterway’s Remembrance Day ceremony on November 9 th . This is our most sombre assembly of the year and the music component of the ceremony is very powerful. This year I have chosen a song written by John Gorka called “Let Them In”. Please find lyrics and a YouTube link attached. I would appreciate it if your children could listen to the song at home to familiarize themselves with the music and the text. Lyrics will need to be memorized. I’ll be teaching the song beginning the week of October 22 nd .   I am asking students to wear all black on November 9 th     at 11am, unless they are in Cadets, Scouts or Guides and will be wearing their uniform. Parents are most welcome to attend the ceremony. Should you have a faith based reason for not wishing ...

Homework and Information for Grown-Ups

Communication of Student Learning Your child has come home with a communication of student learning for Social Responsibility. Please go over it with your child, sign it and return it to school. It should be in their dark blue Auto-évaluation duotang. Curling Your child will need perfectly clean running shoes or curling shoes for curling on Wednesday. They will also need a helmet, as the Curling Club does not provide any. Shorts are not permitted on the curling sheets. October Virtue Our clever little planners have focus virtues every month. This month is RESPONSIBILITY - Knowing what one has to do and doing it . Please provide opportunities at home for your child to practice the virtue of responsibility. Picture Day Was Tuesday. Order information is not yet available. Most classes also had class pictures that day as well, but ours did not. Retakes will be the 23rd of October, and I suspect that we will have class pictures that day, too. To be confirmed. Competency Con...

Thanksgiving Weekend Homework

Officially, there is none, obviously. I'm not completely evil. However... I've given the students a list of work that we've done so far this year, and I've asked them to confirm that it is all done before next week. Theoretically, it should already all be done with the exception of assignments coming due in the next week(s). Here is the list they were given, plus some details for you. Items not yet due are italicized.  Green French grammar duotang: Worksheets  Singulier/pluriel déterminants Déterminants possessifs 5 phrases avec le verbe “avoir” on a lined paper Phrase à manipuler   Charlotte et Ollie aime mange le pizza avek de le fromage. Charlotte et Ollie joue avec une ballon rose est deux gros balle bleues. Green Écriture en français duotang Mon monstre – bonne copie (the rough copy is in their duotang. It was supposed to have been self-edited, peer edited, and teacher checked before the good copy was made available) Boue Vocabulaire et...

Field trip cancellation

Looks like I've managed to double book myself on Wednesday. I am part of a team of teachers looking at math assessment for our district, and we have our first meeting on Wednesday, so I will have to cancel our walk to Buttertubs this week. Morrell is still on for Friday, though. Drivers are still needed! Thanks

Field Trips

Buttertubs September 21 POSTPONED to Wednesday, September 26. Permissions for curling and Morrell Sanctuary are (hopefully) going home tomorrow, but I'm apparently in a tiff with the field trip software. Not sure what I did to offend it, but it doesn't like me right now. Please be prepared for short turnaround on those two if they don't go home tomorrow, since I'm away Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday this week. Morrell - September 28 (next Friday) DRIVERS NEEDED ! Curling - October 10, 17, and 24: $12, DRIVERS NEEDED , helmets and clean running/curling shoes are required. Other dates to remember: - October 4&5 - pro-d days - October 12 - Buttertubs (yup, again) - October 15-18 early dismissal for parent-teacher interviews - October 19 - pro-d day

Welcome back to school

As we know as parents of 10-12 year olds, communication is key. Unfortunately, 10-12 year olds are not particularly proficient in this area. So, here's what we'll do: Planners. Every day. Please check them. I do not require students to write what they have already completed, and our "QQ" (Question quotidienne: Daily Question) is usually optional, but will occasionally be required. I'll post pictures here of the planner on a regular basis. Not necessarily daily, but at least weekly, and hopefully more regularly than that. I'll periodically post information that is critical on this blog to make sure that you have access to it. Sometimes it will be in full, sometimes it will be a "please watch for a notice home about..." A bit about me I have a husband, Todd, who coaches PeeWee hockey - so many of my students know Coach Todd. I am a hockey wife, and a hockey mom. Most of my examples about extracurricular activities will be about hockey. W...