Sick Kids

So, I had a couple of really great questions come up today regarding sick kids. Here's what I can share for now... When should we keep our kids home? Well, here is the information from the SD68 stage-2 start-up plan , specifically page 9: And the note from the Medical Health Officer for the Central Region of Vancouver Island Health Authority with the new health check for kids that was sent to parents this week: Where can I get the work for my sick kid? Umm. Well. I'm hoping to get them connected to Google Classroom sometime in the next week or so, plus my website for certain things, and here on the blog for others. Really, a sick kid probably mostly just needs sleep and a book to read. Try to keep some books on hand in both English and French (Scholastic is a good source...) for those unexpected days home when they're almost well enough to go to school. I know that's not really very concrete for an answer, but it's what I've got at the moment. **Side note, all...