It's what we do...

 Hi folks, 

Just thought I'd let you know what we do each week, so you know where to focus your attention at home in the evenings and want to do school-y stuff.


  • Spiralundi. This is a quick 5 question math review quiz-like deal that checks on the retention of all concepts since the beginning of the year. We did our first one this week, and it looked a lot like last week's math quiz because, well, that's all we'd done so far. 
  • Practice for the math quiz. Is exactly what it sounds like. I give them a practice quiz, we correct it together, and they keep it so they know a) what the quiz is going to look like, format-wise, and b) so they know where to focus their last-minute studying.
  • Gym. Wear/bring appropriate attire. Skirts are not ideal on this day.
  • Math quiz. Pro-tip, it's going to look a LOT like the practice quiz. Usually, the questions are the same, just with different numbers being used. I'm not looking to trick anyone, and it's way more efficient for me to make a copy of the practice quiz I created and change the numbers than to come up with a whole new deal. 
  • QDCLR (Word problem). Students are given a single word problem, due the following day, and they are expected to follow the steps to solve it:
    • Q - Question: what is the problem actually asking you to find?
    • D - Données: what are the givens in the problem?
    • C - Calculs: clearly show your work beginning with the givens, and working with numbers you have found from there.
    • L - Logique: does your answer (right or wrong) make sense? Why is your answer PROBABLY right? Does it solve the question asked?
    • R - Réponse: answer the question in a complete sentence. "The answer is ___." is not an answer that will be accepted.
  • Music. Bring your instrument and your music. Aleks will give us direction on where to store them during the day. Link to Aleks's website:
  • Reading comprehension in French (infos-jeunes) due the next day. It's 10 multiple choice questions, and sometimes I'll add a little something extra, like I did this week, to practice reading skills and strategies.
  • Gym again. Same deal on the skirt thing.
  • English Spelling Test. 18 words. The new list is sent home after the test on this day. 
  • Music again today. If you brought your instrument/music home since last class, don't forget to bring it back to school for this day.
  • Verb quiz. We generally do 2 or 3 verbs in the same tense two weeks in a row. This week (and next) are the verbs "aimer" and "finir". It's important for students to STUDY these verbs so that they can apply them to the sentences in the quiz. 
  • Sometimes we have gym on this day. Other weeks, we do not.
  • Art. The students are assigned a new art project each week, and are given the week to complete it. The expectation is that the work is done WELL. I've been known to return work as "not accepted" meaning that the care required is evidently missing. 
  • OCSL goes home. This is a sheet that has the results of the above assessments, plus our little mini-assessments on it. I usually attach the assessments themselves. Please have a conversation with your child about their progress. This needs to be signed and returned to school on Monday.
You can find a number of resources on my website, also. I've just posted some videos about box division on there. It's like long division, except instead of "bringing down" the next number, you're "bringing up" the previous. You'll see what I mean. 

Anyway, that's it for now. We'll chat again in October!


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