Sorry about my lousy communication of late (other than field trips, I mean). I've had this stupid (pardon my strong language) cold for a month and a half!! And it's not getting better! Anyway, there's lots going on this month, so here is the newsletter/calendar thing. I sent them home on Friday, on dark green paper. I haven't sent home a missing work email in a while, and I won't before break. Report cards are coming digitally, though. Permission slips for bowling have already gone home, but I haven't sent the ones for skating, yet. I put the first week back in January on this calendar, too. I also included some half birthdays, since not everyone is lucky enough to have their birthday during the school year. I also put my son's birthday on the calendar, since it's a milestone. Wish me luck in the passenger seat of my own car!! In case I don't check in again before the break, Happy Whatever Holiday You Celebrate Even If It's No Holiday At All, ...
We did a TONNE this week! Here are some highlights... Because of Mr. Terupt: We started reading this book about a grade 5 class who have a brand. new. teacher. It's written from the perspective of 7 of his students over the course of the school year. We've read about September and his super cool math activity called Dollar Words, and we've started reading October's entries and have already learned that science doesn't always work out as planned (Poor Luke!) We FINALLY had recess outside starting yesterday. It made for really long days Monday through Wednesday, but at least our city wasn't on fire. Things could have been WAY worse. Plus, we got to watch the Magic School Bus Rides Again... in English... because we were working so hard those days. We looked at correcting French sentences and conjugating verbs and about possessives in French. We also learned that Janelle LOVES to write notes. So. Many. Notes. In math we thought about different ways to make a dollar,...
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