Due dates and Do dates are listed in blue Activities with an associated "assignment" in Google Classroom are listed in green Literacy: One sentence journals: (Choose one) Do daily, due at the end of the week Create a document where you will write one sentence (preferably in French!) about your day. Make sure each sentence is dated. Do this every day. Make an audio recording including the date about your day. Limit this to one sentence (in French). Do this every day Make a video recording of you telling me about your day in one sentence in French. Do this every day. Book report: Due April 17, May 1, and May 15 Choose one of the lit circle books you read (and have at home), and do one of the activities on the list for that book, then choose a second activity for that book, and finally a third activity for that book. And, POOF! It's May 15th! L'agent Jean: Due April 17 Watch the video Answer the questions Raz-kids: Due April 17 Log on to ...