Rube Goldberg Project
Monday's Science project. To be done at home due to space constraints. The students received this information in French, but I've translated it in English for parents. Students are allowed to work alone, in pairs or in trios only. Students have been encouraged to finish their filming before next week so that they have time to edit their presentations. What is the problem? Catch the Christmas Elf with a Rube Goldberg Machine made at home, with items typically found at home or at school. You may use only one finger only one time for only one second to start your machine. What are the important criteria? All the simple machines we studied must be incorporated in the machine: Lever Incline plane Wheel and axis Screw and wedge Pulley There are bonus points for using all three classes of lever. What are the possible solutions? Brainstorm materials that can be used for each of the simple machines. List different ways you can catch the Elf. Think a...