
Homework by due date - Feb 8


Homework by Due Date


Homework by Due Date

 Hi all, Here is an image of the calendar of work we're doing in class by due date. Your child should be able to explain what each item is. If not, please have them speak to me. I intend to update this calendar periodically. It does not have the other information about events and activities happening in our class or our school, so that homework and things to study are easier to find.


 Yup, tried to learn to play today... If you know how, please play with your child. If you used to know, here are the rules of Cribbage  It's a great game that many of the grandparents in Canada know how to play. If you don't have a board, there are some cribbabe board apps available. Other games we've been playing at school include chess , battleship , connect 4 , and mancala . 

It's been a while

 Sorry about my lousy communication of late (other than field trips, I mean). I've had this stupid (pardon my strong language) cold for a month and a half!! And it's not getting better! Anyway, there's lots going on this month, so here is the newsletter/calendar thing. I sent them home on Friday, on dark green paper. I haven't sent home a missing work email in a while, and I won't before break. Report cards are coming digitally, though.  Permission slips for bowling have already gone home, but I haven't sent the ones for skating, yet.  I put the first week back in January on this calendar, too. I also included some half birthdays, since not everyone is lucky enough to have their birthday during the school year. I also put my son's birthday on the calendar, since it's a milestone. Wish me luck in the passenger seat of my own car!! In case I don't check in again before the break, Happy Whatever Holiday You Celebrate Even If It's No Holiday At All, ...

French quiz Tuesday

Tuesday we will have our French quiz. This is the practice from today. The verb portion is CLOSED BOOK, but there is a word bank on the sheet. The theory portion of the quiz is OPEN BOOK, so students should check that they have all of the notes they will need. Here are the notes about the passé composé.