It's been a while

 Sorry about my lousy communication of late (other than field trips, I mean).

I've had this stupid (pardon my strong language) cold for a month and a half!! And it's not getting better!

Anyway, there's lots going on this month, so here is the newsletter/calendar thing. I sent them home on Friday, on dark green paper. I haven't sent home a missing work email in a while, and I won't before break. Report cards are coming digitally, though. 

Permission slips for bowling have already gone home, but I haven't sent the ones for skating, yet. 

I put the first week back in January on this calendar, too. I also included some half birthdays, since not everyone is lucky enough to have their birthday during the school year. I also put my son's birthday on the calendar, since it's a milestone. Wish me luck in the passenger seat of my own car!!

In case I don't check in again before the break, Happy Whatever Holiday You Celebrate Even If It's No Holiday At All, and a very happy and healthy new year!



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