Projects on the Go This Week

Because we don't have Spiralundi, a math quiz or a Spelling test this week, I have assigned 4 small projects to complete over the next week or two. The class will have sufficient time to complete these projects at school, provided they use their time wisely

All projects are to be completed IN FRENCH. 

Here are the details for you to discuss with your children. All projects will be shared with the class, and I hope to post some pictures here as well.

Social Studies: Individual work; Free choice format; due Friday, November 4

  • Explain in detail why you are lucky to live in Canada. Give examples of advantages you have that you may not have in some other countries.

Math: Individual work; Poster created by hand (8 1/2" x 11"); due Friday, October 28

  • Create a poster that explains one of the following sets of divisibility rules:
    • 2, 3, 6
    • 2, 4, 8
    • 3, 6, 9
    • 2, 5, 10
  • There will be points for aesthetics. Students may include additional rules on their poster, provided they have addressed all three rules in the set.

Math: Teacher assigned group work (the kids are soooo mad at me for this... LOL!); Digital presentation; due Monday, October 31

  • Create a tutorial to explain the concepts of factors, multiples, and prime number phrases. Access to iPads Wednesday afternoon and Thursday.

French: Individual, partner, or groups of 3 - students may choose their partner/groupmates; Unplugged game; due Friday, November 4

  • Create a game to practice the verbs "être", "avoir", and "aller" in the "passé composé". (These are the verbs that will be quizzed on Friday this week.)
Shoot me an email if you have any questions about these projects. Have a great rest of your week!


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